Empty plastic bottles, cardboard waste, empty glass jars, can all become interesting raw materials for people who love crafts and handmade products, not to mention those passionate about recycling and reducing waste. There are a lot of cute decorating objects someone can make from waste like plastic bottles. If you want to decorate your house and you have some time for crafts, make this diy owl from a plastic bottle.
Things you will need to make this:
– one empty plastic bottle, if you don’t have one from a coca-cola bottle try to find something similar;
– sharp knife;
– glue and marker;
– some watercolors to paint the owl.
Steps to follow: Take the empty bottle and mark the spots on it as you can see in the picture. With the knife, cut the bottle and glue together the parts where is written head and body. Take the watercolor and beautifully draw the owl on the glued parts. If the first one won’t look very well, keep practicing until you will get to make a perfect owl.
Photo courtesy: ideesandsolutions