Everything is evolving around us. The quality of life is increasing and all the products available for us are becoming much better with greater features. For all our camping lovers, Aesent Tent is new on the market, a great product that is coming with a complete built-in air mattress. Say goodbye to carrying separately any kind of sleeping pads or air mattresses because now you have all you need just in one product. Being rugged, light weight, durable and spacious, this tent offers a high level of comfort. The 6 inch mattress is easy to inflate (in fact, a matter of a few minutes), and the special vinyl used in fabrication can be set up basically on any terrain without deflating. You can remove the base of the tent very easily if you will ever need to. Enjoy your outdoor time more fully with Aesent Tent because the secret of a great camping trip is a good quality tent.
Aesent from Stephen Graham on Vimeo.