No one can think of a winter and Christmas season without a snowman. DIY snowman ideas are fun for every age group so when it starts snowing, the first thing comes to the minds is to go out and make a snowman altogether. Some families have a tradition to make a snowman once it snows and some people are so attached to this snow creation that they name and love their snowman. It represents holiday, Christmas and family that unites us.
Since snowman has many meanings, they are often used as decoration material. The real snowman made of snow does not stand long but there are other options that you can have a snowman that will last the whole year.
To decorate your house for Christmas is always fun so why not combining it with a snowman? Here are some suggestions for you how to use snowman ideas to make home decorations.
You can make a snowman made of wood so you can place it next to your Christmas tree and use it as a stocking holder. Another idea can be drawing a snowman on an old shutter and place it outside. Snowman mugs, magnetic light ups or using fish balls to build a snowman by putting cotton in them can be easy handcraft works worth to try to decorate your house this winter.
1. SNOWMAN Made From Old Tires
2. DIY Stacked Wood Santa
3. Plastic Pumpkin Snowman

via craftymorning
4. DIY Balloon String Art Snowman

via muyingenioso
5. DIY Plastic Spoon Snowman

via craftsbyamanda
6. Adorable Tin Can Snowman
7. DIY Snowman Mason Jar Luminary

via chicacircle
8. Tissue Box DIY Snowman Craft

via consumercrafts
9. Snowman Porch Decorations

via craftcreatecook
10. Adorable Snowman Heads For Christmas Decorations

via craftcreatecook