Anyone who had ever gone through the pain of building an eco-friendly house or even inquired of the cost of making one will tell you that building an eco-friendly house is no child’s play. It’s a kind of project that requires careful financial planning and determination for one to pull off.
In today’s modern world, the cost of building the little space we will live in can quickly add up to such a huge amount that we’ll pretty much have to work half or all our life just to pay for it. But this shouldn’t be so, Luxury costs money and the more luxury you desire, the more money you’ll have to pay.
the house must be built from local materials, and the use of any power tools was prohibited. Above all, he wanted the cost of building the hand-built house to be as meager as possible.
Michael’s little cob house project was a challenge to us; we never knew one could have so much for so little a price. But with determination, Micheal was able to prove that we can have as much as we can for as little money as we want to part with if we are determined to think creatively and follow through with our plans.
We would have loved to get the step by step guide on how Micheal was able to build his gorgeous cob house and give you something you can get busy with, but the steps are much complex to be written down – at least in a clear way that each one of you can follow. So to avoid confusion we devised a better solution. We have attached a video of Michael’s home here for you. We’ve also added a couple of pictures here so that you’ll see for yourself that Micheal got more for less and that you can too.
We’ve love to hear your thoughts and opinions as a do-it-yourselfer about Michael’s house.

Eco-Friendly Hand-Built Hobbit House

Eco-Friendly Hand-Built Hobbit House

Eco-Friendly Hand-Built Hobbit House