Children have wild imaginations and most creative ideas ready to flow out of their mind. They simply do not have a pause button or any limitation to their imagination. This makes possible for kids to think out of the box and invent most beautiful things we as adults could ever imagine. Dominic Wilcox asked 450 kids to draw their imaginative inventions. And was stunned on all the entries most of the times these ideas could not make their way more than just a fridge door, but in collaboration with Cultural Springs Wilcox decided to bring prototypes of these inventions. Not all the inventions were included, but with the help of local manufacturers in Sunderland, England they got 60 inventions as prototypes.
One would be stunned as what can a child can really think and make of his imagination. Most of these ideas are plain and simple but really very helpful in solving some of the most difficult problems one faces in daily life. All the inventions are simple, easily very creative and practical. One may think as kids are real genius to think about certain daily activities that can be done in totally different ways that we can never imagine.
Self Waterer Plant Pot – S.W.P.P:
Ezy Slice Fryer for instant fries:
Shady Lamp
The Paint Splatta Baby Sleeper:
Inventors!: Website | Instagram | Tumblr
The Cultural Spring: Website | Facebook | Instagram
Dominic Wilcox: Website | Facebook | Instagram