The staircases in everyone’s house give us the possibility of combining both utility and design, for a more stylish air in the house they are in. The first utility of the stairs is to connect two floors of a building, but designers decided this should not be the only utility, therefore these stairs can serve as a deposit either for books, for some drawers where you can put towels, bags or even clothes. If you live in a small apartment or not, you should always keep in mind that there is never enough space for all the books you want to read, or you have no space for a proper dressing, or you might even have a minimalist contemporary idea for the design of your crib. The most used type of stair for space saving is the spiral-stair, but there are designers that have thought even about sleek and stylish designs like the “retractable staircase” that is using pistons and mechanical hinges that make the folding flush of the stairs against the wall possible, if you need to restrict acces to a floor or to expand a space.