Do you love building blocks such as LEGO? If yes, it is very possible that you may have a box of unused LEGO bricks laying around. Since those bricks laying around don’t have a guide that would make them into a model, all they usually do is sit and collect dust. However, Brickit is a company that has released an app that may change that. The app’s aim is to instantly create a guide into building something from those box of bricks you have laying around. And it does so by just using your phone’s camera. Let’s take a look at how it works…
No Building Blocks Neglected
The app Brickit which helps you make use of your spare bricks laying around emphasizes modern technology to do so. It uses a technique called machine learning which you may have heard of. Thanks to machine learning, the app includes scannings of an infinite number of building bricks scattered around. Then it analyzes each brick and recognizes it. And then it finds you a suitable model to build with the inventory of bricks you have. And what is more impressive is, the app gets better as people use it. Thanks to more and more input coming from people using the app, the app’s AI has a wider knowledge. The app claims to recognize 1600 different common brick types.
The App Provides Ease Of Use
The Brickit App Simply provides you with models you can create with your available building blocks. But the way it does that is very efficient and easy. Instead of building a database yourself, it simply uses your phone’s camera. You just show the app your box of bricks laying around and it scans and identifies them. This simple process lets you make use of your spare LEGO bricks laying around. Creates an opportunity for kids and parents to have a good time while recycling…