Have you seen silo homes? If you have not, you will find them truly amazing if you wish to explore possibilities of creating accommodation spaces that are nontraditional and modern. This is a family that bought three silos not being used for a farm and was able to convert them into unusual and modern living spaces. There were several adjustments that needed to be done as silos are not designed for living originally. Among the changes that needed to be done, the first adjustment was to insulate the walls of the silos with foam. In order to create a whole house out of the three silos, they were interconnected by corridors to create a unified living space. The space that was provided in each silo was about five hundred square feet and the middle one was used as a garage space. The home has a traditional look and feel on the outside with stonework provided on the exteriors and paved accordingly. The home and the cool interior details can be learned about more if you visit the link that is given below and check out the images of the interiors of the home.