The opportunity to be a part of this exciting project – and, in the process, to have a magnificent treehouse built on your own property – is coming soon. Whether your wish is to create an imagination station playhouse for your children high in the air (J.K Rowling just built a treehouse castle for her kids!), to install a tranquil yoga studio/spa for pampering and exclusive relaxation, or a gentleman’s retreat, complete with leather chairs, mahogany and cigar humidors, Pete Nelson and his superlative team can deliver. Taking full advantage of this brief offer will guarantee that Pete will both prioritize your project, deliver perks, and make sure you get a treehouse that will make you the envy of everyone in your zip code.
Note: You MUST own the property, and have existing trees large enough to hold at least a 200 sq ft home. Homeowners will be required to cover the cost of the treehouse, although they will receive a HUGE discount on the cost, additional perks and also get the amazing design expertise of world renowned Treehouse Designer Pete Nelson!