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What is DALL-E and How to Use it

Apr 12 2023
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We are sure that you have heard about DALL-E already. But you may not be familiar with the functions of the artificial intelligence program. In short, it is an AI model that can create unique images based on the dictations of the user. As you can guess, the owner of this AI model is OpenAI, which is also the owner of ChatGPT.


A cyberpunk monster in a control room


What is DALL-E Exactly?

The famous technology company OpenAI introduced DALL-E in January 2021. After one year, the company announced the new version of the AI model, called DALL-E 2. The platform generated unique art and images from a text prompt. The user writes a sentence describing the image. All you need is some credits to generate an image in seconds.


A photo of a teddy bear on a skateboard in Times Square



The platform became popular in a short time because it was easy to use. Especially non-artists who need unique and free-to-use images prefer the platform. But on the other hand, the artists are obviously not happy. Because DALL-E may take their place. Besides, the images that DALL-E creates are like human-made images. Many people cannot separate AI-generated images from human-made ones.


Two futuristic towers with a skybridge covered in lush foliage, digital art


How to use DALL-E


In order to use DALL-E, you need to sign up for OpenAI. After you sign up, the platform will ask you to verify your mobile phone number. After verifying your account, you can go to the DALL-E page and start using the platform. If you open a new account, you will have 50 image credits. If you run out of credit, you can buy more on the system. When you are on the home screen of DALL-E 2, you will see a prompt for inputting information. After prompting your text, you will need to click the “generate” button.


But if you do not know what to write on the system, you can click the “surprise me” button. After seeing images on the screen, you can click on the image and save it.

A cat riding a motorcycle



3D render of a cute tropical fish in an aquarium on a dark blue background, digital art


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