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Lap Mug

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You know, designers have a use of exercising their imagination, they just make a brainstorm or draw whatever shape they can imagine and after that they try and see what it looks like, or if it fits with some needs that anyone can use. This type of exercise seems to be the same that Yve Thelermont and David Hupton from Thelermont Hupton did, and they managed to create a mug that is dedicated to those that love keeping their hot tea or coffee cup in between their thighs while sitting in bed or reading a good book. These guys decided their sketches would fit a mug that can be retouched so that it fits the body rather than the table and has a line that allows it to fit in any ones lap. In order for this to happen, the mug is slanted-bottom in such way that it can still be placed on a countertop at the suited angle for you to be able to pour the hot drink in it.BUY here 






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Sustainable Metal Art By Michel Torres Costa

Have you ever wondered what happens to the metal scraps that are discarded by industries and households? Most of them end up in landfills, polluting the environment and wasting valuable resources. But for Michel Torres Costa, a Brazilian metal sculptor, they are the raw materials for his amazing creations. His sustainable metal art gives thrown...
Birdie Is The Cutest Fresh Air Monitor

Birdie Is The Cutest Fresh Air Monitor

In the modern world, we spend much more time indoors than we used to. In recent years, more of us work from home instead of going to an office everyday. While it is debatable whether this is a good thing or not, one thing is for sure; indoors lack quality air. Especially during colder seasons,...
Remy Barbeoch is a Game-changer in Tattoo World!

Remy Barbeoch is a Game-changer in Tattoo World!

Prisme Tattoo Studio has been serving its customers in France. What makes this studio special is its tattoo artist, Remy Barbeoch. The French artist has been creating motion tattoos for his customers. He is also quite famous on social media. He has international customers who go to France to get a tattoo.   Who is...