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Japanese Company Has Completed First Manned 'Flying Car' Test

One Step Closer to Jetsons: Japanese Company Has Completed First Manned ‘Flying Car’ Test

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The concept of flying cars has long captured the imagination of innovators and the public alike. There are more than 100 companies trying to make the dream of flying cars come true. However, very few of them managed to get people into the vehicle. Despite the enthusiasm and investment pouring into this burgeoning industry, it remains a formidable challenge to successfully transition from prototypes and concepts to user-friendly flying cars. While the dream is undoubtedly compelling, realizing it on a practical and mass-accessible scale demands overcoming numerous obstacles.

The Japanese company SkyDrive shared the footage of the manned test flight in early August. With a blend of cutting-edge engineering and visionary thinking, SkyDrive demonstrated their commitment to transforming the futuristic concept of flying cars into a tangible and exhilarating reality. The footage portrayed the sleek design and impressive capabilities of the SkyDrive vehicle. It illustrated its graceful takeoff, stable flight, and smooth landing. It provided a glimpse into the precision and sophistication of their technology. Also reflecting the company’s unwavering commitment to safety and performance. 

Skydrive To Release Flying Car in 2023

It is aimed to be launched in the market in 2023. Tomohiro Fukuzawa, manager of SkyDrive’s flying car initiative, said he hoped the project would be implemented in 2023, but first, it was important to secure the vehicle.

Unlike planes or helicopters, eVTOL vehicles (Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing) are in principle an easier way of personal travel.

It is stated that since these vehicles can fly automatically, they can save people from the cost of pilot rental and airport traffic. However, potential obstacles to the commercialization of vehicles include battery life, air traffic control and infrastructure.

SkyDrive, which started as a volunteer project, managed to receive funding from giant companies including Toyota, Namco and Panasonic.The project recently received a new fund of $ 37 million , including that of the Development Bank of Japan.

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