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Anna Kruhelska working on paper sculpture

3D Paper Sculptures by Anna Kruhelska

Jan 16 2023
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About six thousand years ago, human beings invented paper. The first paper invented by the Egyptians was made of papyrus reeds. About 4 thousand years after the papyrus paper invention, Chinese inventors made a kind of paper from fibres. Years passed, and human beings started to make paper sculptures. Japanese people are the first ones to have experienced paper sculptures called “origami”.  At first, origami was not very popular. But years passed, and today origami is a well-known act of art around the world. For example, a Polish artist named Anna Kruhelska designs and creates 3D paper sculptures.


Constant Change Series of Paper Scultures

© Anna Kruhelska – Oliver Cole Gallery


The artist concentrates on creating abstract, 3D paper wall reliefs by reflecting light. The concept of the artist’s work is the interaction between shade and light, contrast, and iterative patterns. Her works consist of folds and hollows. The artist stated that she gets inspiration from minimalism, geometry, origami, and architectural composition.


© Anna Kruhelska


Anna Kruhelska creates clean, white-on-white framed, crisp wall installations. Her artworks often stand alongside one another. Although the artist has not stated that her artworks are diptychs, they appear to flow from one frame to another. In addition, her works are on acid-free, light-resistant paper. All the pieces are assembled and folded by hand. The works are in wooden frames with front glass.


© Anna Kruhelska


About Anna Kruhelska

Anna Kruhelska is a Polish architect. She states that she loves being an architect. However, she likes creating 3D paper sculptures as a side project. We heard that at the beginning she started with pleating fabrics. But after some time, she turned to paper sculptures. She thinks that paper gives her creative freedom and many different possibilities. In addition to all this, she has a minimalist lifestyle. Therefore, she reflects her lifestyle in her artwork as well.


Constant Change Series of Paper Scultures

© Anna Kruhelska


About her way of working

The artist says that she always starts designing her paper sculptures on the computer. After the designing stage, she tries to get 2D shapes out of 3D in order to cut these shapes from a flat sheet of paper. She cuts all the individual shapes and folds them. After hours of folding and gluing, the whole panel is ready to be framed.


© Anna Kruhelska


Constant Change Series of Paper Scultures

© Anna Kruhelska


Constant Change Series of Paper Scultures

© Anna Kruhelska


© Anna Kruhelska

For more: IG Anna Kruhelska

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