During our childhood most of us used to build tents or forts out of the bed or sofa like any typical child!The Orwell Sofa was developed by Barcelona-based designers Alvaro Goula and Pablo Figuera, as a multifunctional piece of furniture.
It is a piece of furniture somewhere between a sofa, a bed, and a “cabin”, as it was called in the design studio before it was christened with the surname of the ‘1984’ writer. The name references the original idea of the product which was to recapture that intimacy which can sometimes be lost, even within our own homes.
Orwell invites you to rest it in its interior and resuscitate that childhood memory of a “cabin”, that magical, hidden place that all children wished they had.
The heavy quilted curtains insulate against sound, and its size, similar to that of a bed, allows it to be used either sitting or lying down.