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Amazing Astonishing Camper Design

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This is a design from Axel Enthoven famously known as ‘Opera’.The camper suit well into a compact 4 wheel trailer and when unfolded,the Opera Camping Suite measures 23ft in length and comes with teaks floors,high grade cotton interior walls,oak detailing,LED lighting,corian counters and stainless steel fixtures and appliances.

Also it consists of two electrically adjustable beds which can merge into one,as well as mobile stove,foldable barbecue,a ceramic toilet and its own gas supply.

Other features which will make you feel more comfortable than your own home includes soft drinks cabinet,an efficient heating system,an enclosed veranda with teak flooring, and compass for perfect sun positioning if you happen to arrive at your site at night time.
Enjoy the camping every where you go!



Source: Boutique Homes via Materialicious

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