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Award Winning Transparent Speakers By Transparent

Award Winning Transparent Speakers By Transparent

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Audio has always been an important form of entertainment. Even in our age of video, the audio quality is as important as the quality of the image. Besides video, we also have our timeless entertainment in the form of music. To enjoy your favorite songs to the fullest, it is important to have a good sound system. So, we often buy audio equipment for our houses. But besides their audio quality and usability, sound systems must also look good and fit our interior design. So, we present to you the award winning speakers by the company Transparent, which is a very fitting name…

Minimalistic and Modern Transparent Speakers

In our era of interior design, minimalism is the latest trend. Everything from furniture to technological devices have been becoming more minimalistic in terms of design. So, why not speakers as well? These award winning speakers by Transparent are, well, transparent! Coming in different shapes and sizes, their transparent speakers are truly wonderful looking. Made from aluminum and tempered glass, they provide beautiful Scandinavian minimalism. But their beauty is not their only strong suit. They use the latest Bluetooth 5.0 technology. You can also connect two speakers using True wireless and play both simultaneously. Their designs are also modular. Meaning that you can easily upgrade them and future proof them. The speakers come in different sizes and colors which you may want to check out.

They Also Make Transparent Turntables

Transparent also produce awesome looking turntables apart from transparent speakers. There are so many of us that still buy and collect vinyl records. So, a modern and very stylish turntable could be a big yes. Apart from these, they also have sculptural speakers which also look very good. Their designs in general are very modern and minimalistic as well as providing modularity. If you are into minimalist designs, you may want to check them out…

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