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Feng Suhi Decorating tips

Basic Feng Shui Decorating Tips that Will Allow Your House to Breathe

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We are sure you have heard about Feng Shui from many people. For those who have no information about Feng Shui, we would like to share a brief definition. It is a philosophy or a way of understanding human beings’ place in the natural world. With the help of Feng Shui, you can create a connection to the cosmos as well. As we said, Feng Shui is a philosophy. People assume that it is only about decorating or designing. But Feng Shui is not about them; it is about giving inspiration for lifestyle and decoration. So, we are here today to inspire you with Feng Shui decorating philosophy. You will not have to follow everything suggested. But you can apply basic elements such as color and lighting to feel connected with nature and the cosmos.


Feng Shui house example

Feng Shui Home Tips

It is perfect to come home where it is calming, relaxing, and peaceful. If your home is a place like this, it is even comfortable to take a deep breath and think about all the positive things. Yes, your house decor affects the way you think. For some, it is not something to take seriously. But believe us, you can make a big change in the atmosphere of your house with feng shui decorating ideas. So, let us start.


Color of the Rooms

Practitioners generally recommend using warm, earthy, and rich earth tones in the Feng Shui home decor process. Some of the color hues you can use are terra cotta, coral, cream, copper, tan, and cocoa. But you do not have to use these colors. Feng shui gives importance to how you feel about the color. If you do not feel comfortable with these hues, you can choose different colors that make you feel peaceful and energetic.


color of the room according to feng shui


The Place of the Furniture

Feng Shui decorating principles recommend you place your furniture according to certain directions. For example, you should face your sofa or couch southward. Of course, there is a reason behind this: you should greet the sun and daylight and get positive energy. But if you cannot face your sofa southward, you can try to create a harmonious and warm environment in your living room. It is important to place each piece of furniture in an arrangement that allows each member of the house to feel comfortable and open to communication. Therefore, L-shaped sofas are recommended.


palce of the furniture


Cleaning the Clutter

Feng Shui home tips are easy to follow. We are sure that when you see these recommendations, you will say that you already apply them in your home. As Feng Shui is about relaxing, breathing, and creating space, you should clear your house of clutter. The mess can be caused by extra furniture or items you no longer use. Therefore, start identifying which items are unnecessary. And of course, get rid of those items. Let your house breathe.


Feng Shui Home decorating ideas


Creating Balance with Feng Shui Decorating Ideas

Feng Shui decorating ideas are not limited to a gender or a fashion style. The philosophy consists of creating balance in every aspect. While following Feng Shui home decor rules, you should try to be inclusive. You should own masculine, feminine, and neutral items in your home. Because, when you use these items in harmony, you will make soft items look a bit harder and harder items look softer. Thus, you will be successful in creating harmony and balance in your house.


Creating balance in the home according to Feng Shui Home Tips



Bedside Space according to Feng Shui Home Tips

Would you like to place your bedroom furniture according to Feng Shui decorating tips? The basic idea of the philosophy is creating space, as we already stated. You can apply this rule in your bedroom as well. But, in order to create more space, do not push your bed against the wall at all. Try to leave space on both sides of the bed. Try to encourage positive flow and chi in your bedroom. Therefore, do not let the energy stop dead on the wall side of the bed. Let the energy flow around your room and make you feel peaceful.


Bedside Space

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