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Breath of Fresh Air: Indoor Air Quality and Your AC System [Infographic]

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Modern Americans spend 90 percent of their days in indoor environments breathing climate-controlled indoor air, and more than two-thirds of their time is spent at home. Subsequently, ensuring your Raleigh home’s indoor air quality (IAQ) as high as possible should be a major priority. Luckily there are a few things that can be done to keep your home’s IAQ at its highest possible level of quality. It all begins with knowing what your system should be doing, the major categories of indoor air pollution, what homeowners can do to ensure quality, and some general tips for cleaner air. There are also a number of indoor air quality products that can be installed in your home’s HVAC system to ensure your air is of the highest quality.

An air conditioning system should ventilate, minimize pollution, cool air, and control humidity. When it does these things correctly, the result is a decrease in health conditions, improved air quality, and a more comfortable environment. But if your air conditioner isn’t working properly or doesn’t have routine maintenance performed on it, you probably aren’t experiencing any of these benefits. The HVAC system can recirculate air up to seven times per day, so any dander, chemicals, or dust can cause a lot of irritation to you and your family.

Take a little time to review the infographic below, published by Air Experts Heating & Cooling. Then, if you decide your home needs an indoor air quality overhaul, give our specialists a call and we’ll get to work today making sure your family is breathing more easily.


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