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Doggy Igloo will Change Your Perspective on Doghouses!

Doggy Igloo will Change Your Perspective on Doghouses!

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During hot summer days, it is not easy to adjust our body temperature. Even if our bodies are capable of standing in harsh weather conditions, we still need air conditioners most of the time. It is the case for human beings. But what about our little friends in our homes? Korean industrial designer Seungmean Lee created a perfect place for our pets called the Doggy Igloo.


Even if we have air conditioners in our homes, our furry friends cannot stay under them. They may get sick just like us. The designer determined this problem and created Doggy Igloo, which can regulate temperature for our friends.


Doggy Igloo will Change Your Perspective on Doghouses!

Images credit: Seungmean Lee


Doggy Igloo is not a standard doghouse. It has, of course, some properties that will amaze you. Let us learn about these features together.


The indoor doghouse has sensors.

The Doggy Igloo has sensors that are integrated into the entrance of the igloo. The sensors sense when your pet enters the igloo. And, according to the temperature, these sensors regulate the temperature according to the comfort of your furry friend. In addition, the intelligent sensors prevent the cool air from spreading out of the igloo. So, the cool air will always be maintained for your pet.




It is easy to build the igloo.

When you first saw Doggy Igloo, you may have thought that it was a complicated system and not for pet every owner. But we can honestly say that there is only one power source to start operating the igloo for your dog. There are options for wind strength and temperature adjustment. But there is nothing difficult about operating the igloo.


pet house that has air conditioner


You can watch your dog!

Doggy Igloo may be the best doghouse ever! We cannot trust electronic devices all the time. In case you want to keep an eye on your dog, Seungmean Lee placed a micro camera. You can check if your pet is fine and healthy.


pet house that has air conditioner


In conclusion, we think that Seungmean Lee did a great job with his Doggy Igloo design. We believe there are thousands of wish lists waiting for orders. you can check his profile here!


pet house that has air conditioner

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