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Ethereal Floral Tattoos Mimic Delicate Watercolor Paintings on Skin

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Soft floral tattoos with pastel and soft colored hues would be a good idea to carve on your body. An artist from Korea has discovered the idea of using soft colors like pink, red and blue to mimic soft floral nature of flowers. These colors would be found in a beautiful sunset and are close to nature. She avoids using black ink or dark outlines to keep a natural touch to the tattoos. These tattoos are adorable and soft to blend with any individual taste.  Aro Tattoo, aka @tattooist_silo is the creative brain behind this idea. She refrains from using dark colors and outlines that would disturb her soft designs.

These tattoos are subtle additions to the body; instead they portray soft love for nature and animals. These tattoos do not make bold statements with blue or black inks or dark outlines. They are really beautiful to make a part of your body. These tattoos are also available with animal images. They have a feel of watercolor painting as they seamlessly merge into designs and form a very beautiful subtle and soft image. When looking for different tattoo design options, one can easily count on the Aro Tattoo designs if they are willing to get marked with something that is close to nature.

Ethereal Floral Tattoos Mimic Delicate Watercolor Paintings on Skin 1 Ethereal Floral Tattoos Mimic Delicate Watercolor Paintings on Skin 2 Ethereal Floral Tattoos Mimic Delicate Watercolor Paintings on Skin 3 Ethereal Floral Tattoos Mimic Delicate Watercolor Paintings on Skin 4 Ethereal Floral Tattoos Mimic Delicate Watercolor Paintings on Skin 5 Ethereal Floral Tattoos Mimic Delicate Watercolor Paintings on Skin 6 Ethereal Floral Tattoos Mimic Delicate Watercolor Paintings on Skin 7 Ethereal Floral Tattoos Mimic Delicate Watercolor Paintings on Skin 8 Ethereal Floral Tattoos Mimic Delicate Watercolor Paintings on Skin 9 Ethereal Floral Tattoos Mimic Delicate Watercolor Paintings on Skin 10 Ethereal Floral Tattoos Mimic Delicate Watercolor Paintings on Skin 11

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