Even though modern and contemporary forms of art and sculpture take center stage in the modern world, the art of wooden sculptures and carvings have not diminished. There are artists like Stefanie Rocknak who are keeping alive the art and taking it to an all new level. The images that are shown of figurative wooden sculptures by Stefanie Rocknak make people stop to wonder how these sculptures could be achieved on wood. The pieces that she has created are larger than life size and she has made human figures with heads and torsos twisted in intricate ways to show expressions with an intensity that is life like.
Every piece of work brings forth a serious expression and the pupil fewer eyes seem to bore through the viewer. Stefanie is a New York based artist who has traveled extensively across Europe and studied the works of Bernini, Donatello and Michelangelo during her trip to Rome. Her training was as a painter, but she fell in love with the three dimensional effect created through the wood. The physical realities and details that she creates through wood is mainly a deviation from conceptual art on paper which she feels is cold and lifeless.