Han Hsu-Tung is a very famous artist born in 1962 in Taiwan. He studied anthropology at Taiwan National University. Since his graduation, he has been going on his life making wooden sculptures. What makes Han Hsu-Tung this famous is his pixelated sculptures. Despite his 30 years of career, the world has started recognizing him since 2006. Because the artist started uploading his pixelated sculptures on the internet in 2006.
The sculptures Han Hsu-Tung makes are made of wood. They are like a bridge between the analog and digital worlds. When you see the sculptures, you feel a sense of displacement and movement. According to the critics the artist wants to show the change in the anthropology of human beings as a result of digitalization. Because, in the digital age, our feelings, reactions, way of thinking, and living have completely changed. Therefore, it is not surprising that artists start to express themselves in the frame of digitalization.
Themes of Pixelated Wooden Sculptures by Han Hsu-Tung
Han Hsu-Tung uses many different wood types in order to create his sculptures. He said that some of the wood types he uses are walnut, teak, African wax wood, etc. The artist’s works are like representations of some ideas or themes. He likes to show opposite themes together. Some of the themes can be listed as reality and fantasy, disintegration and gaze, left-right contrast, humor plus irony, light and dark, day and night, etc. In recent years, the artist has started several picture-painted wooden sculptures with a variety of appearances like disbanding and reuniting in order to represent the digital age. When we check the works of the artist, we can say that his method of expressing himself through woodcarving has evolved over the years.
The works of Han Hsu-Tung have been exhibited at many different art galleries since the 90s. He has many solo exhibitions as well. Although the artist does not upload his sculptures often, his followers try to stay updated on social media.



Cowboy Riding