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How to Build Houses with Plastic Bottles

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If we human beings want to achieve something, we can definitely do it, only if we possess the willpower. It may seem unbelievable and may shock you, but this school is made of bottle bricks, yes, plastic bottles of the same shape were collected and then tightly filled with sand after which they were capped. Around 6000 of such bottles were used for the building purpose. This house which is made by the Samarpan foundation is a school in actuality which is made from plastic bottles, yes, not brick but plastic. If you go ahead and watch the video, you will be shocked to know how these houses were made. These homes, which are essentially made from plastic have survived earthquakes up to 9, 8 in richer scale. Plus, it is a very cheap option for those living in the villages and other rural areas. Samarpan has done a great job to construct houses with plastic bottles. This school and their hard work will pay off, when the students of this school make a name for themselves. Such a house can be built on a tight budget as you do not have to spend on buying bricks. It is a very inspiring and novel idea, which is worthy of appreciation.

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