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How to Grow 6,000 Lbs of Food on 1/10TH Acre

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In this world where everybody wants to lead a healthy lifestyle, it is really important that the food that you consume is extremely healthy. With so many chemicals being used in regular vegetables, it has become imperative to consume fresh produce.

In case you wish to draw inspiration to grow and eat healthy food, then you must check out what an L.A family did. The family owns a property which spread over 1/10 acres, and it is surprising to note that they grow somewhere around 400 species of plants in that area. They don’t only grow plants, but also have their poultry in that area, which seems to be very surprising.

Everything grown is free from all kinds of chemicals. Sustaining them requires very little effort. Growing your own vegetables and fruits, means that the food is free from all kinds of chemicals and you eat a fresh and chemical free produce.

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source: urbanhomestead

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