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Apple's new emojis

Let Us Get a First Look at Apple’s New Emojis

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The iOS 16.4 beta version from Apple introduced a total of 31 new emojis. The update includes several new characters, such as a “shook” face, two pushing hands, a donkey, a moose, a goose, a jellyfish, and a simple pink heart. The company unveiled the new designs in July 2022. In September 2022, the new emojis for Apple were on the Unicode recommendation link.

Apple's new emojis


31 New Emojis for Apple

The three new colored heart emojis, a new shaking face, and two new hand gestures are among the most notable new Apple emojis in the iOS 16.4 beta release. These IOS 16.4 new emojis should support the standard range of skin tones, though the current beta doesn’t provide access to them.


Apple’s new emojis include new animal and plant-related characters, such as a donkey, moose, goose, wing, jellyfish, hyacinth, and blackbird. A pea pod and a ginger emoji are among the new designs for the Food & Drink category. Designs for the Activities & Items category also include a flute, maracas, a hair pick, and a hand fan. Moreover, Apple’s new emojis include colored hearts, a Wi-Fi symbol, and the Khanda symbol.


shook face emoji



People can use the new “shaking face” emoji to convey shock caused by internal emotions or external forces. These forces can be earthquakes or loud noises, as well as disbelief or excitement. You can use the two pushing hands separately in order to signify shoving or a “stop” command. Or you can arrange them next to one another to create a new “high five” emoji. In addition to all of this, people were asking for new color schemes for heart emojis. Good news! Apple’s new emojis include the basic pink heart emoji, along with the light blue and gray hearts.


deer, shook face and crow emojis


The new emojis for Apple will be included in iOS 16.4 beta 1, which will be published later this spring and is already available to members of the Apple Development Program.

new emojis for Apple



high five and fire emojis


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