Imagine your decorated tree floating in the air. The tree has no strings attached to hold it in the air. Neither is it saved by some wall. It is just floating like in mid air. Isn’t that amazing scene to witness? Same goes with the air bonsai which was launched by a Kickstarter Campaign. Originating from Japan in the Kyushu region, this project is a wonder for many.
This so called Air Bonsai culminates the natural facet with the technological tricks. The magnetic component is used in the floating tree. This decorative idea utilizes the magnetic attraction and spin to make this look as if the plant is floating in the air and spinning around. The main components are the energy base of six inch diameter and strong magnets for the foundation to uphold the plant in mid air. The base price is about $200 and a little add-on of $20 can provide you a lava stone plant base with it. This design is a wild rage amongst the mass. But due to strict import restrictions, it cannot be made available to one and all. Still, making a few exceptions, every month, people are grabbing the first chance to add this in their collection.