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Modified Social Benches by Jeppe Hein

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Out of investigating design, communication, and social behaviour within the urban area, a series of bench styles was born beneath the common title Modified Social Benches. The bench styles borrow their basic type from the ever-present park or garden bench, but changed to varied degrees to create the act of sitting a aware physical endeavour. With their modifications, the benches reworktheir surroundings into places of activity instead of rest and solitude; they foster exchange between the users and also the passers-by, so disposition the work a social quality. as a result of their alterations, the benches end up somewhere between a dysfunctional object and a useful piece offurniture, and thus demonstrate the contradiction between design and useful object.

Fabulous design of  benches by artist Jeppe Hein. Enjoy!

Modified Social Benches by Jeppe Hein 1

Modified Social Benches by Jeppe Hein 2

Modified Social Benches by Jeppe Hein 3

Modified Social Benches by Jeppe Hein 4

Modified Social Benches by Jeppe Hein 5

Modified Social Benches by Jeppe Hein 6

Modified Social Benches by Jeppe Hein 7

Modified Social Benches by Jeppe Hein 8

Modified Social Benches by Jeppe Hein 9

Modified Social Benches by Jeppe Hein 10

Modified Social Benches by Jeppe Hein 11

Modified Social Benches by Jeppe Hein 12

Modified Social Benches by Jeppe Hein 13

Modified Social Benches by Jeppe Hein 14

Modified Social Benches by Jeppe Hein 15

Modified Social Benches by Jeppe Hein 16

Modified Social Benches by Jeppe Hein 17

Modified Social Benches by Jeppe Hein 18

Modified Social Benches by Jeppe Hein 19

Modified Social Benches by Jeppe Hein 20

Modified Social Benches by Jeppe Hein 21

Modified Social Benches by Jeppe Hein 22

Modified Social Benches by Jeppe Hein 23

Modified Social Benches by Jeppe Hein 24


You can check also  12 Amazing Public Benches

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