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Narrow Long Doorway Decoration

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Doorways are what you and your guests will see when first entered to the home and that is what makes them important. If your doorway is narrow and long, then you may need to think more about its decoration. You can find some helpful ideas in this article.


Simple or Ornate Doorways


While some people prefer very fancy decorations, others may prefer simple ones. If you are one who like simplicity, you can just consider decorating walls and read the next subheading. If you really like ornamentals, here are some suggestions: shelves having flowers or other trims on them, small plants or longer trees on the floor, bookshelves, other nice decoration stuff, etc.


Wall Decorations


Walls are crucial when it comes to narrow doorways since there are not a lot of places. First of all, you can think about wall colors or wallpapers. Light colors like cream or nice wallpapers might be compatible. Then, frames come next. Those who like simplicity can be cautious to find what they exactly look for. After that, wall clocks can preferable. As a last suggestion, you can think about wall clocks.


Your Doorway Carpet


There is no other choice than to have a long narrow carpet for that kind of doorway but you can really find nicely designed carpets with nice patterns. The color choice might be thought too and light ones may help you in your doorway since in general, doorways do not receive sunlight.


The Last Clue for Your Narrow Doorways


After all, if you are still not satisfied with your doorway, you can look at the ceiling! Did you see the lamb? Then, the variety of lamb styles also came to your mind, right? Yes, there are pretty many and you can find the one best fitting to you.



Contemporary home entry hall with polished concrete floors





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