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Pac-Man Side Table: Ready to Eat the Pellets with an Open Mouth

Pac-Man Side Table: Ready to Eat the Pellets with an Open Mouth

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Have a look at the side table once more. Have you noticed something? The famous designer Yu Ren created a Pac-Man side table inspired by the video game itself. Let us think about the furniture or items we have in our homes or offices. Do we have to choose dull items? Or is it not better to choose fun and sophisticated items for our homes? Let us discover more about this unique design!

side table with ambient light

Yu Ren

The designer featured a Pac-Man side table with an open mouth. The hungry side table is different from the video game itself. Because it has a cylindrical shape, which optimizes space and material. There are many kinds of side tables with shelves. But the Pac-Man-inspired side table looks unique. Because of the shelving style and general look, the handle it has makes the table look far out.


The Pac-Man side table has curved plywood supported by black marble both on top and bottom. You can easily carry the table thanks to the handle sitting flush against the body of the side table. In addition, Yu Ren added an ambient light inside the mouth. The warm light creates a nice and chic look for the table. Here is a fun fact about the handle: if you touch the handle, you can adjust the temperature and level of the light.

award winning design of 2023

Yu Ren

As you can see, there are many colors in the video game-inspired furniture. But Yu Ren especially added yellow to refer to the original Pac-Man. The light on the side table is a nice touch. But this feature requires the table to be plugged in when you would like to turn the light on. This may cause clutter because of the cables. By the way, we would like to mention that the Pac-Man side table has won the A’Design Award for 2023.


cylindric side table

Yu Ren

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