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Pixel Art Bluetooth Speaker Provides Awesome Decoration

Pixel Art Bluetooth Speaker Provides Awesome Decoration

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Bluetooth speakers have been becoming more and more popular lately. Considering the fact that they work wirelessly and provide good sound quality, it is no wonder why. We see many different speaker designs fit for different needs. Coming in different shapes and sizes, these speakers not only aim for good sound quality but also an aesthetically pleasing look. An example of a cool looking Bluetooth speaker would be the Ditoo-Pro Pixel Art Bluetooth Speaker by Divoom. The Speaker combines its retro design with modern functionalities with its pixelated screen.

A Stylish Pixel Art Bluetooth Speaker 

We are not used to seeing bluetooth speakers with a built-in display. However the Ditoo-Pro is an exception. Its customizable pixel screen allows it to display the art you can create and animate. In our age of customization, this is a great way to personalize your bluetooth speaker. Thus, creating your own little 16×16 art piece to display while blasting your favorite tunes. The speaker as you can see from the images has a retro design. Even with retro buttons which allow you to use the speaker. However its capabilities are very modern. Using Bluetooth 5.0, you can easily play your music from services such as Spotify, Apple Music etc. The pixel art Bluetooth speaker also allows you to listen to radio through the internet. 

A Piece of Useful Decoration

You can have both a good looking and a functional decoration in your home with the Ditoo-Pro pixel art Bluetooth speaker. According to its website, it can play music as loud as 80db. While it also provides 360 degrees sound. It also allows you to set custom notification screens that flash when you receive a notification. Addition to this, it can also be used as an alarm clock. With its retro look and capabilities this speaker may be a good gift idea. 


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