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POD Tents: Modular Camping System

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There are many who love to go camping and think of it as a hobby to be pursued every holiday. For them the right equipment is crucial and if there are innovations that can be found in camping equipment, they will surely be thrilled to try them out. For them the interconnected and modular pod tents will surely be innovations they will love. If you wish to know more, these are tents that can help to set up a social community easily when you have camped with friends and family members outside. The adaptability feature of these tents makes them unique. There are two major sizes, the eight people or max version as well as the smaller or the four person mini version. These can be connected with walkways in order to have a social community set up and one can connect as many tents as they wish to in this manner. A village of tents can be set up in this way and is useful when a large group is out camping. If you are intrigued as to how the modular tents work and are set up, check the images given below.

POD Tents Modular Camping System 1 POD Tents Modular Camping System 2 POD Tents Modular Camping System 3 POD Tents Modular Camping System 4 POD Tents Modular Camping System 5 POD Tents Modular Camping System 6 POD Tents Modular Camping System 7 POD Tents Modular Camping System 8


More details about prices here..

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