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Poolside Portable Summer Shower

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Experience the shower of the future… designed and engineered from the bottom up
Perfect for any backyard near a pool or spa, simply attach to any standard garden hose for quick and easy assembly.Your body weight activates 16 soothing spray nozzles (40-300 lbs.)
Spray nozzles on platform edge rise up around you and gently fall like a tropical rain shower
Water height is fully adjustable from 3 feet to 15 feet
Take a full body shower or just rinse off your legs
Water saving: just step off and shower instantly stops
Light weight and fully portable for camping

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how to keep mosquitoes away while camping

How to Keep Mosquitoes away while Camping

Camping is a wonderful way to connect with nature and unwind from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. You can also create lasting memories with friends and family. However, while camping, you may feel like you are a mosquito magnet. These tiny but persistent pests can leave you with itchy bites that may turn...
Pet friendly camping allows you to enjoy nature together while creating unforgettable memories. Experience the outdoors with your bestie!

Introduction to Pet Friendly Camping

Planning a camping trip with your furry friend can be an exciting adventure. However, it is vital to take proper precautions to ensure their safety and well-being. Pet friendly camping allows you to enjoy nature together while creating unforgettable memories.     On the other hand, the great outdoors comes with its own set of...
Would you like to experience one of the most unique vacation types? If yes, you can embark on a unique adventure with yurt camping, where modern comfort meets rustic charm.

What is Yurt Camping? Everything You Need to Know

  Would you like to experience one of the most unique vacation types? If yes, you can embark on a unique adventure with yurt camping, where modern comfort meets rustic charm. Yurts provide a cozy yet spacious retreat. In addition, it is ideal for those who seek an escape from the hustle and bustle of...