Does your backyard appear dull? Is there a tree stand alone? You can recreate your garden with Canopy stair attached around these tree trunks that just gives the look like that of a Tree house. Now isn’t it sounding interesting? Well, you can start building this spiral staircase around your backyard trees and make your garden look full of fun.
The remarkable thing about these staircases is that, the trees do not require to be drilled, unlike wooden plank ladder. The planks of canopy stairs are attached to the trunk of the trees with the help of the tension from the ratchet straps. These are made up of birch plywood that is curved and looks stunning.
You can build these staircases as high as you want by attaching the handrail, aluminum frame and treads to the trunk with the help of the straps. In this way your tress are safe as before and gets a lively look.
Rising a high rise tree would become easier and playful. You could also build small sized canopy stairs for the kids and their friends, who would love to play around your backyard instead of going somewhere else to play.