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The Time Table is unusual in terms of design and properties. For example, it is a circular desk with a stool, table, lamp, and additional shelf, in addition to a digital clock on the table.

The Time Table will Help You Measure the Time!

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There are several types of devices that can tell what time it is. But sometimes even these devices are not helpful to catch the time. For example, you have your clock, phone, smart watch, etc., right? Have you ever felt that these devices are not enough for you? Maybe you need The Time Table!

The Time Table is unusual in terms of design and properties. For example, it is a circular desk with a stool, table, lamp, and additional shelf, in addition to a digital clock on the table. The clock is inserted into the table. Therefore, there is no way for you to move it. The table is a product by Yunseo Yung.


The Time Table is unusual in terms of design and properties. For example, it is a circular desk with a stool, table, lamp, and additional shelf, in addition to a digital clock on the table.

Image credits: Yunseo Jung


Some of the key properties of this spectacular working table design can be summarized as below:


sketch of the time table



Innovative Circular Design

Unlike any traditional desk, this work table boasts a design centered around circles. These circles enhance both aesthetic appeal and functional diversity. This design includes a privacy shield on one side and offers solitude without sacrificing style.


colorful desks


Unique Sub-Table Feature

Elevating its utility, the Time Table features an attached “sub table,” a smaller, circular tray that dynamically moves up and down. This movement not only serves as a captivating visual timer but also enriches the user’s experience by subtly indicating the passage of time.


table with a shelf


Enhanced Time Awareness

The primary goal of the Time Table is to cultivate a heightened awareness of time spent at the desk. It encourages users to measure and log their time, facilitating a more mindful approach to work and productivity.



table with clock


Visual and Tangible Time Tracking

Moving beyond the monotony of traditional clocks, the Time Table offers a tangible and engaging method to visualize time. This feature aims to make users more conscious of their time without resorting to the usual tedious methods.


green and orange


Potential for Distraction as a Feature

While the Time Table’s unique time tracking mechanism might be seen as a distraction, it is precisely this aspect that fosters a deeper awareness of time management, turning a potential drawback into a thought-provoking feature.


The Time Table


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