You might have encountered many stray animals lying round the bush. They are accustomed to the servile conditions and they spend their life on the streets. But this kitten, Rosie was not able to build this fortitude and succumbed to the harsh conditions. She was on the verge of death when she met her savior in the neighborhood.
That day she was very ill and no one thought that she can make through the night. But to her rescue, one man came and took her to the home. She could not make any moves. Then an idea struck the rescuer and he introduced her to Lilo the Husky. The cat began to suckle on Lilo. Lilo also took care of Rosie as one of her own. The days went along and soon Rosie could walk on her own legs. She instantly jumped to Lilo and started playing with her. Now, their bonding has grown in leaps and folds. She is now a permanent member of the family, which includes three huskies. Their friendship has taken everyone aback. Below is the video of their playful life with Rosie cuddling one of them. Do check it out!