Cud Eastbound’s ’77 Dodge Camper is the excellent reference of how someone can convert his van into an awesome home. He called his vintage van as “Night Danger” and he decided to park in the cold season for avoiding the slippery roads of the Yukon winter. The transformation he decided to change his van for a season is really amazing. The most important thing this vintage van has to perform is to keep its owner and his warm for the whole winter, so Cud decided to set up a wood stove and covered the van with straw. With a generous donation of straw bales and the help of his friends Cud Eastbound handled to turn his van into a nice and warm Hobbit-like home, appropriate for the Yukon winter. Have a look images and inspirevhow to prepare your own van for a long winter in time.
source: nightdanger.lostwarren.com