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If You Want Your Studio Apartment To Look Wider, You Must Consider These 11 Design Ideas!

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1. One of the things that worries those who are thinking about buying a studio apartment is where to put the bed. You can place your bed on the ceiling so it doesn’t take up much space in your small apartment.

2. If you do not want your bed to appear, you can make yourself a room like this.

3. If you want your apartment to look wider and more spacious, you can use a light color on your walls and furniture.

4. You can think of two different colors in this way. This may make your apartment look bigger.

5. If used wisely, dark colors can make your apartment look big.

6. Do not make partitions by building walls in your small apartment. You can try using glass.

7. Keep the kitchen very small and keep your area wide.

8. You don’t need different cabinets for your shoes, clothes, and books. You can store them in a single cabinet. You’ll have a lot of space left.

9. Feel free to use the wall or ceiling. These areas are going to do you a lot of good.

10. If you want to hide your bedroom from other areas, you can use curtains.

11. To save space, another direction is foldable beds towards the wall.

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