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World’s First Autonomous Sand Art Robot

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Experts and researchers from Disney along with students from ETH Zurich have brought their new innovation called BeachBot, which is the World’s First Autonomous Sand Art Robot. While the robot was busy creating the final picture, its display at a public beach amazed every beachgoers with its marvelous art work in an exceptional and magical way.

This small robot has a rake behind it which drags across the sand to create large scale sand art. The lifeless, mechanical being measures 60 cm in length and 40 cm in both width and height. This adorable looking creature provides enough mobility and robustness with its three wheel arrangement- a steered wheel in the front and differential drive back wheels.

The BeachBot consists of a rake which includes seven individual elements that moves to crave pictures into sand actuated by servo motors. The visibility of the lines drawn is prominent due to its measure from minimal 5 cm up to the width of the robot. The rake is attached as a tail of this robot. This robot has created amazing sand art of the many faces and designs which includes the creator of Disney, Walt Disney.

World’s First Autonomous Sand Art Robot 1 World’s First Autonomous Sand Art Robot 2 World’s First Autonomous Sand Art Robot 3 World’s First Autonomous Sand Art Robot 4 World’s First Autonomous Sand Art Robot 5 World’s First Autonomous Sand Art Robot 6 World’s First Autonomous Sand Art Robot 7

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