According to the dictionary definition, a skyscraper is a building over 100m long. And according to Wikipedia, there are over 23,000 skyscrapers around the world. For sure, companies and countries will build more of them. Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, Muhammed bin Salman, announced the zero-carbon city project. The city will be in NEOM, which is a project area located in Tebuk.

$1 Trillion Project
The project name is The Mirror Line, with a budget of $1 trillion. The building cost of the skyscraper will be some $500 million alone. The USA-based architecture studio Morphosis Architects designed the buildings for the project. According to the details that both the company and the crown prince shared, there will be two mirrored buildings that will run parallel to each other. The buildings’ length will be 105 miles which will make them the longest skyscrapers. In addition, the height will be 500 meters and the width 200 meters.

The fame of the smart city is not limited to its countries and length. The city will consume 100% renewable energy. Besides, 95% of the land will belong to nature in order not to interfere with natural life. The architects announced that this zero-carbon city will prioritize human health and well-being, unlike crowded city centers. In addition to all of this, the city will ensure residents enjoy nature. Moreover, the residents will have access to all facilities within a five-minute walk. If people would like to take public transportation, they can use high-speed rail. The public transport will take 20 minutes from the beginning and to the end of the city.

According to the project targets, the Mirror Line will accommodate around 9 million residents on 24 square kilometers. When we consider a city with 9 million people, the city has to land on great land. But this case is not a problem for zero carbon city The Mirror Line. The city will have a significantly reduced footprint.