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2023 Home Decoration Trends

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Home decor trends are changing every year.

If you plan to decorate your home and want to prepare for the trends of 2023, you can review the home decoration trends we have prepared for you.


Tenderness to Natural Materials


In 2019, mostly technological and electronic items are found in home decoration but sometimes this tendency will be directed toward little more natural goods and materials. Wood, copper, concrete, granite, stone and metal products will face more next year.


Furniture Covered with Velvet


Velvet-covered furniture is considered old-fashioned but nowadays furniture has a tendency towards this choice of fabrics. Nowadays, we need to add velvet-covered sofa sets to 2019 home decoration trends as it is considered as a more elegant and luxurious material choice.


Flower Patterns


In the home decor, floral wallpapers and flowers will be more prominent. In addition to wallpapers, it is possible to see these palettes in the preferred colors on walls and furniture.


Copper Shades


When we look at the color choices, the most prominent place in the year 2018 was given to copper, earth and metal mixed colors. Both in furniture and wall colors and furniture, these colors will find more space for themselves.


Dark Colors


In 2023 home decoration trends, the richer color palettes as well as some darker colors will begin to stand out. You should still be careful not to use dark colors that make your house look more full. Using too much darker colors can cause your home to become stifling. For example; If you prefer dark colors in furniture color choices, it is more useful to choose more spacious tones in the choice of wall paint or paper.


Black and White Colors


Another color palette we will see between 2019 trends will be the harmony of black and white.  The combination of black and white will bring harmony and balance between the items in your home.





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