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Birdie Is The Cutest Fresh Air Monitor

Birdie Is The Cutest Fresh Air Monitor

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In the modern world, we spend much more time indoors than we used to. In recent years, more of us work from home instead of going to an office everyday. While it is debatable whether this is a good thing or not, one thing is for sure; indoors lack quality air. Especially during colder seasons, we sit and sleep with the windows closed. Therefore the CO2 levels will be rising with each breath we take, negatively affecting our health. But Birdie comes to our rescue with its cute design principle!


Birdie Needs Some Fresh Air

Fresh air monitor Birdie tells us when to ventilate the room we are in, helping us always have fresh air. The way it does it is the best part about this product. When your room has fresh air with low CO2 levels, Birdie will be up, enjoying life. But, if the air CO2 levels rise and the quality of the air inside drops it will drop down, dying. To save the little bird, you must ventilate your room and give it fresh air. This design is a very smart way to design a fresh air monitor. Not only is it very creative, it uses visuals instead of annoying alarm sounds which will only infuriate you. 


Environmentally Friendly And Helpful

One other good thing about this device is that it is made from recycled plastic. Even its packaging is made from recycled paper. It is also very power efficient since it does not use any sounds, lights or IoT connections. It also has a lot of health benefits. Birdie helps improve the quality of your sleep as well as helping allergies and asthma. It also helps increase creativity and focus which is essential for remote workers. It is a clever and simple product which has an essential purpose…



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Have you ever wondered what happens to the metal scraps that are discarded by industries and households? Most of them end up in landfills, polluting the environment and wasting valuable resources. But for Michel Torres Costa, a Brazilian metal sculptor, they are the raw materials for his amazing creations. His sustainable metal art gives thrown...
Birdie Is The Cutest Fresh Air Monitor

Birdie Is The Cutest Fresh Air Monitor

In the modern world, we spend much more time indoors than we used to. In recent years, more of us work from home instead of going to an office everyday. While it is debatable whether this is a good thing or not, one thing is for sure; indoors lack quality air. Especially during colder seasons,...
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Remy Barbeoch is a Game-changer in Tattoo World!

Prisme Tattoo Studio has been serving its customers in France. What makes this studio special is its tattoo artist, Remy Barbeoch. The French artist has been creating motion tattoos for his customers. He is also quite famous on social media. He has international customers who go to France to get a tattoo.   Who is...