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Earth-friendly homes play an important role in saving our planet. Here is a guide for you to transform your home!

Creating an Earth-friendly Home is Fun and Easy

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The planet Earth does not only belong to us or you. We share this planet with animals, microorganisms, plants, and many other creatures that we have not yet discovered. Besides, we will inherit our planet from the next generation. Therefore, we have an important duty: saving the planet. Our duty starts in our homes. First, we need to create an earth-friendly home and fulfill our duties.

Most people think that creating a sustainable home is expensive. But the good news is that it is not! You will reduce energy or water consumption. Therefore, you will save your money. If you are thinking about redecorating your home, why not create an earth-friendly home? If you would like to learn how to make your home sustainable, check out our guide!

Earth-friendly homes play an important role in saving our planet. Here is a guide for you to transform your home!

How do I make my home sustainable?


Your home is one of your biggest investments. Therefore, you should take care of the insulation in your home. With insulation, you can keep the temperature of your home consistent. Whether it is summer or winter, you can keep the temperature stable and save on air conditioning costs. Types of home insulation are foam, cellulose, and fiberglass.

home insulation

Sustainable flooring

Yes, you can create an earth-friendly home with sustainable flooring. There are many types of materials suitable for flooring. But not all of them are eco-friendly. You can use recycled wood without volatile organic compounds, bamboo, recycled glass, cork, or tires for your flooring. You can also design your own carpets from these materials.

Double-pane windows

Did you know that double-pane windows can reduce the heat escape rate by up to 50%? Preventing heat from escaping is one of the most important things to do when creating an earth-friendly home. And double-pane windows are a great help. To create a more cozy environment with sustainable fabrics, you can decorate your windows with cotton, bamboo, or hemp curtains.

Energy-saving white goods

Although companies reveal more sustainable white goods such as refrigerators, ovens, or washing machines, you need to be careful how much energy these goods consume. For example, double-door refrigerators look perfect, right? And we believe that every one of us wants to have these fancy ones. But unfortunately, double-door refrigerators consume a great deal of energy. Or, 4K TVs can be another good example. So, in short, try to buy energy-saving or less energy-consuming white goods to create an earth-friendly home.

energy saving white goods

Eco-friendly paints

You may wonder how paints can be eco-friendly. But be sure that companies produce these paints in a more eco-friendly way. During manufacturing, sustainable paints produce fewer fumes, which affects air quality in a negative way. In addition, these paints emit less toxic waste than traditional paints. Lastly, eco-paints are biodegradable. Therefore, while choosing color, hue, and brand, you should check if the paint is eco-friendly or not in order to create an earth-friendly home.

woman painting a wall

LED lights

Test results show that LED lights can save 80% more energy than traditional fluorescent bulbs. So, it means that you can create an eco-friendly home with LED lights. Do not panic; LED lights are compatible with your current lamps. And these lights convert 95% of their inner energy into light. Thus, you will not stay in the dark.

Eco-friendly mattress

You would be shocked if you checked out sustainable home interior products. Eco-friendly mattresses are great examples of sustainable products. If you need a mattress, you can check for ones that do not contain VOCs (volatile organic compounds). Generally, retardants, plastics, polyurethane, or formaldehyde contain VOCs. So, you should start checking the material first.

earth-friendly mattress

Sustainable containers

Organizers, or containers made from plastic, are both cheap and durable. But, generally, these cannot be recycled. Therefore, you should try to use less plastic or single-use packaging. For example, instead of using plastic jars, organizers, or boxes, try to find durable, unbreakable glass. If you cannot afford these high-quality containers, try to buy recyclable, biodegradable plastic containers to create an earth-friendly home.

Native plants

If you would like to design your home with plants, try to get the native ones that are naturally grown in your area. Because plants that companies transport from other cities or countries increase environmental pollution. Therefore, be sure that the plants you would like to buy are not imported or transported from other regions.


native plants

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