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DIY Chicken Tunnel

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The utility of chickens in your farm might extend to more uses than you can think of. You might be investing in them for the eggs they lay but they can act as useful friends to keep your garden as well. That might sound strange, especially about chickens that seem to dirty their surroundings, but they also eat up the bugs and weeds that are a downer in your garden. If you have a DIY tunnel for the chickens, you can have them working in your garden while being free at the same time. The tunnel is designed to allow the chickens to walk through certain parts and to help in keeping the garden healthy without destroying the flower beds and vegetable patches. All you need to get started are certain materials like one inch thick wooden slats, wood screws, a wire fencing of four inches, wire cutter, drill, saw and bungee cords. With these materials you can get started by checking the images given below which will surely help you to set up the useful and basic structure, an ingenuous way to keep the chickens busy and your garden free from harmful weeds and bugs.

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DIY Chicken Tunnel 14

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