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Create an Ecosystem in Your Kitchen with Green Oasis!

Create an Ecosystem in Your Kitchen with Green Oasis!

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It would be great if we could experience nature in our homes. But unfortunately, it becomes difficult to have a home decorated with plants because of small apartments and modern life. Here is a nice idea for you to level up your home: Green Oasis. You may wonder what it is. Green Oasis is an integrated composting table that you can raise your plants inside of. In addition, you can see all the plants thanks to the transparent glass.

Create an Ecosystem in Your Kitchen with Green Oasis!



The breathtaking futuristic kitchen design is a product of Ecosapiens. The social media platform shares perfect eco-friendly designs for everyone. Even though some of the comments claim that the Green Oasis is for those with a high budget, we think you can create your own sustainable table. You do not need to have the same table in your kitchen.




A Different World…

The main idea for Green Oasis is not sustainability. It is also about creating a custom kitchen where you feel like you are in a different world. Because kitchens are mostly about culinary Besides, we do not like spending time in our kitchen if it is not meal time. Here is a way to spend more quality time in your kitchen: You can raise whichever plant you wish and take care of your greenery.

table with plants



As you can see, there are many kinds of compostable tables. You can choose one and adopt the design according to your kitchen. For example, if your kitchen is rather small, you can create a wall-mounted, portable version of Green Oasis.

Green Oasis



In addition to all this, if you are a plant lover or fond of terrariums, you can check out all the possibilities for adopting such designs in your home. Besides, if you know how to create a terrarium, here is a great opportunity for you to create your little ecosystem!

woman cooking in a kitchen


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Today, let us celebrate the creativity of the contemporary artist, Tom Deininger. Tom has been utilizing recycled materials and everyday objects to create masterpieces. Yes, we can call these objects masterpieces.

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Today, let us celebrate the creativity of the contemporary artist, Tom Deininger. Tom has been utilizing recycled materials and everyday objects to create masterpieces. Yes, we can call these objects masterpieces.   Thomas Deininger is a renowned artist for his innovative approach to mixed-media and found-object art. In fact, he is known as Tom Deininger...