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Ectolife Artificial Womb Facility

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The ones who have read Brave New World by Aldous Huxley will remember artificial womb facilities. There are many science fiction movies and novels about this topic. Human beings desire to grow the fetus in an artificial womb and choose the characteristics and appearance of their babies. Therefore, This idea leads many scientists to work on artificial wombs. Hashem Al-Ghaili who is a science communicator and producer shared a Youtube video about Ectolife artificial womb facility.  In his video, the producer introduced this facility as the world’s first artificial womb facility which is just in the design stage right now. 


Ectolife Artificial Womb Facility

Hashem Al-Ghaili

Hashem Al-Ghali states that Ectolife artificial womb facility is designed to eliminate the death rates caused during birth. In addition, he says instead of pushing the baby from the uterus, the couple will push a button for the birth of their baby. Moreover, this project is also designed for people who have no uterus and cannot have babies. 


Ectolife Artificial Womb Facility

Hashem Al-Ghaili


Hashem Al-Ghaili mentions in his video that in order to prevent the decline of population in nations like Japan, Bulgaria or South Korea, the Ectolife artificial womb facility will be a good solution. We do not know yet what the government’s response will be; however, this idea was welcomed by the great majority of people. 


Ectolife Artificial Womb Facility

Hashem Al-Ghaili


Ectolife will bring a new world

Ectolife artificial womb facility will replicate the same conditions found in a woman’s uterus. These facilities will incubate 30.000 lab-grown babies annually. It is better to mention that artificial womb facilities will be infection-free. Therefore, the mother and father will have no doubt about the unknown health complications. 


In the facility, there will be growth pods for each baby. These pods will have sensors that show vital signs like oxygenation saturation, heartbeat, temperature, and breathing. In addition, an AI system will monitor the physical features and potential genetic abnormalities of the babies


Ectolife Artificial Womb Facility

Hashem Al-Ghaili


The parents will follow their babies with an application. This application will show the current situation of the babies. The parent will have a chance to share the photos of the babies with their families and friends. The Ectolife artificial womb will have speakers which will help parents to talk or play music to their unborn babies. 


Ectolife Artificial Womb Facility

Hashem Al-Ghaili


Ectolife Artificial Womb Facility

Hashem Al-Ghaili

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