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paper art from João Charrua

Is João Charrua Simply Folding Papers?

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Think about how creative you can be with paper folding. For the common people, the answer will not be so broad. But if you are an artist or have an artistic point of view, you will not have a limit. João Charrua is one of those people who has a limitless imagination in terms of art.



For João Charrua, he just folds papers, as he states on his Instagram account. But to be honest, what he does with papers goes beyond just folding paper. As you can see in the images, the artist creates artistic faces with origami art.

a portrait of an old man



João Charrua lives in Portugal, which is the source of his imagination. According to the artist, he creates a form of energy transmission with the masks he makes from paper. Let us dive into the spirit of these detailed and expressive human faces together.


an origami of a swordsman



How Does João Charrua Create His Portraits?

João Charrua creates these faces from a single sheet. He carefully plans the use of the sheet. With a single sheet, he makes a detailed face of serene humans. Of course, to create such masterpieces, you have to be patient. And we can surely say that Charrua has lots of it.

a paper sculpture of a woman



The design stage of his masks is quite conventional. The artist, at first, creates 3D drafts or sketches of the masks. Because he needs to visualize the final product and repeat the process until it is perfect for him,





Did you realize something? The portraits never smile. Do you think there is a reason behind it? We believe that João Charrua tries to express an unknown sadness and tiredness with his paper-folding art pieces. The serene faces reveal a beauty and elegance that open doors to different worlds. The origami love of Charrua has been spreading around the world thanks to his social media. If you would like to see his life and latest designs, you can check his accounts!

surrealist art


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