This creative mirror fence is the design of Alyson Shotz, an American artist based in Brooklyn, New York. The installation creates some great visual effects and it’s barely noticeable because of the mirrors that are beautifully reflecting the surroundings. This fence is located in Socrates Sculpture Park (Long Island City, USA) and measures 138 feet x 36 x 4 inches (42.06 m x 91.44 x 10.16 cm). Materials used in building the fence are: acrylic, wood, aluminum and hardware. If you think of the beautiful reflections the mirrors are creating through all the seasons of the year you will surely take in consideration building such an installation for your own house. Imagine what visual impact it would have on everyone who would walk past this fence. The only problem that arises with such an installation is that it might not be noticeable by animals or people and passing near it could create some casualties.