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Wallpaper Showing The Room Wide

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Especially those who choose to live in the city need decorative solutions that make the living spaces more comfortable. The solutions that show the smaller rooms are more spacious and wide are provided by the relationship between the use of color, texture, or pattern. Only floors can change the atmosphere of a room completely.


Areas With Lighter Shades

The most common solution among the elements that make small rooms wider and add depth to narrow spaces is to create a color palette with light shades. Not only does it show a wide range, but it also provides a more peaceful and spacious atmosphere. White lighting accessories and furniture are more prominent in the natural color shades of the wall wallpaper two walls were designed in different and harmonious tones.


Soft-Color Approach

A color palette has been created with white and beige tones that highlight the green tones even more. It can inspire those who avoid using white color in highly modern and comfortable furniture. Beige patterned wallpaper, which emphasizes white furniture, provides an extremely spacious atmosphere and fits neatly with green accessories. While the mirroring factor adds depth, light wallpapers show larger rooms than small rooms.


Walls That Add Depth

If you want to add depth to the bedroom decoration, the trees add depth to create a very spacious and welcoming atmosphere. Visually, you can have the atmosphere with wallpapers. With white furniture, wallpaper comes to the fore and offers a spacious atmosphere that is intertwined with nature.



Children’s Rooms: Colors On White Ground

Children’s rooms can have a small space in terms of square meters. If you don’t want to tile a color room and create an eye mess, you can choose the ground tones that bring colors to the foreground with light colors. You can use cute Heroes, line characters, and colored lines in white or beige tones. You will not look at the upholstery floor covering by choosing the colors of the outdoor floor from furniture to accessories by giving the light shades again.






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