There are few better things than knowing you are really good at what you are doing. It does not matter if you cut a paper successfully, cook delicious food, or run a marathon. Whatever you do in your life, you should do your best. The artist Maria Skog is one of the nicest examples of doing one’s best. She creates realistic food patterns with the crochet technique. Some of her crotchet food patterns are ready meals, eggs, turkey, orange slices, ramen, etc. Everything that she creates is real.
The Beginning of Maria Skog’s Crochet Story
The Finnish artist Maria started her crochet project on the web in 2010. She discovered her talent and passion for crocheting food patterns when she had breast cancer. Her hobby helped her overcome the disease, and her patterns conquered the world.
The artist also states that her crochet hobby was so helpful for her mood in her days with the disease. She says that crochet food patterns make her calmer and stronger. Her hobby also leads the artist to create a stronger bond with her daughters as well. She also once stated that crochet helped her create vivid memories with her daughters.
Her efforts for crochet bore fruit, and now she can create crochet-ready meals such as vegetables, fruit baskets, toasts, ramen, and many others. Her dishes are so real that you want to take a bite. We are not surprised if you thought the foods in the images were real in the first place.
Maria is also aware that her artworks are too beautiful to stay inside the house. Therefore, she opened an Instagram account to show the world her food patterns. In a short period, people noticed how valuable and realistic her crochet food patterns are. The artist currently has over 50k followers who support her all the way.