Let us visit a world in which our everyday small home appliances are actual houses or habitats. It is great to see that creative artists can share their voices through social media and technology. The Instagram user Wora Work has been creating habitats by using the Blender program.

Credits for all images: @wora_work on IG
In the beginning, you will be amazed by the incredibility of these designs. For example, have you ever imagined a water bottle could be a living room? Wora Work has been using creative ideas and methods to develop an independent style to create new things. These digital habitats, for sure, make thousands of people happy. In addition, we are sure that the follower population for @wora_work will increase soon.
Incredible World of Wora Work
There have been great interior design examples that are generated using artificial intelligence or blending programs by artists. But designs like those that Wora Work has been creating are unique. There are no other examples of such designs. In addition, to design such rooms or buildings, you need to be clever and ingenious.
To support art and artists, the owner of Wora Work claims there is no fee to show the designs and it is a great opportunity to see such rare creations. Of course, it is not easy to finish a project. Because you have to adjust everything to the small area you choose. To continue the project, the artist stops working and does some activities such as exercising, watching a movie, listening to music, etc.
The idol of Wora Work is the famous Japanese architect Tadao Ando. Because the artist loves Ando’s designs and has been inspired by his thinking methods. In addition, the reason why Wora admires Ando is his combination of architecture and interior design. So, this point can be attributed to the mutual characteristics of both artists. What do you think about these incredible designs? Let us vote together!